How to Grind a Flat on a Shaft?

flat in shaft 01

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Many people have the need to make a flat spot on a micromotor shaft. The small flats lay where the set screw locates. They help fasten the gears or coupler attached. Here we are going to talk about an easy way to grind or file a flat on the shaft.

Unassemble the motor

In order not to damage the motor or create any problems, unmount the motor from your RC model, loosen the set screw, and pull the pinion gear off. 

Mark right where the set screw hits the shaft. That’s just where we are going to grind a flat spot. Use a little plier to open up the C clip, pop it loose and lift it up off. 

Protect the motor

After pulling off the motor, apply some protection as the magnets are so strong that they will suck any metal dust from around them very quickly. 

Take a plastic bag and fold it in half. Make a small hole to let the shaft stick out of the bag. Seal the bag up.

Grind the motor shaft

Use a needle file to grind just the mark on the shaft back and forth. It may take you ten minutes. Using a dremel tool will shorten this process. But remember no need to grind too deep as it will weaken the shaft. 

Clean up the edge a little bit with your file. It will get rid of any burs to make it fit nice and smooth. Test your pinion gear. Make sure it is in the right spot. The set screw is going to be right in the middle of the flat. 

Assemble and install the pinion gear

Open up the bag, and pull the motor out. Always be careful the magnets are extremely strong. Hold tight the two halves and slowly slide them in together.

Put the little washer and C clip on. Now we are going ahead and putting the pinion gear on. Tighten it up with your wrench. Get it good and tight. 

What if you have a higher requirement for grinding the flat?

In this case, you may need a mill machine or similar equipment. Because when it comes to grinding large quantities of shafts, the above methods will not work very well.

Welcome to send a quote to the BravoShaft team. We will be very happy to assist you.


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